Spiritual Principles behind Yoga

    Spiritual Principles behind Yoga

    Yoga has increased in popularity over recent years as stretching exercises help. Maybe it was triggered by lifestyle relatively more than the past generation, as more an more people are sitting at the computer for at least eight hours a day. Although yoga has been practiced not only recently but in reality for centuries, many people do not even spiritually connected to yoga teaches principles that are interested in it as physical activity.

    But real yoga followers believe that not only one way to improve flexibility, but on the contrary, it is a spiritual discipline. The word yoga is translated to mean "union," which in many cases to show proper union between a person's body, mind and spirit. Spirituality in this case refers to the ability to use the mind to control one's body, such as getting rid of all manifestations of anger or other negative emotions.

    Here are some basic beliefs of yoga practitioners, with some comparative basis for other belief systems:

    1. Spirituality is defined as having well-developed satisfaction in overall physical well-being, adjusted for mental sharpness and emotional balance, which in turn can bring material prosperity. This may be an accepted view of most people, although some religions, like Christianity, tend to question this perception because they believe in spirituality that is not in one person only, and not rely on relationships with God Being.

    2. They believe that spiritual people do not feel there is fanaticism or depression or even manifestations of negative emotions such as anger or fear. Conversely, people who believe in God personally prefer to vent out negative emotions in what they called a prayer, or conversation with God, and find that it makes them feel human, of course, but very lovable.

    3. Exercise helps people feel good and feel divine in by emptying the mind and body relaxation. Because yoga is considered suitable for any age or fitness level, they believe that because it is through spiritual needs anything. Some challenge the idea of ​​emptying the mind of religion as the key to true spirituality, such as when the mind is empty, it really gives room for evil instead of good thoughts, as people naturally tend to negative things based on their country fell.

    4. Yoga practice is not complete without proper breath work, as the breath is considered as a life force, called "Prana." Thus, yoga centers around the work of breath the right to "awaken" the invisible energy centers in the body thereby facilitating the movement of breath is for all cells, which appear to improve the health and vitality. This can work fine with you if you want to believe that there are "energy center" in your body, by contrast, Christians believe that they do not have the energy center because they have the power of God himself who is in them.

    5. They believe that a healthy mind can only exist in addition to a healthy body. Instead, Christians and other believers of the Bible believing it to be otherwise, as a healthy mind is believed to produce a healthy body. As a man thinks, so is he, or so philosopher said. Charles Spurgeon, a famous preacher, also placed in the same light, saying that as human beings believe correctly, physical behavior and prosperity will follow.

    Maybe this is the basic difference is the reason why many people are hesitant to practice yoga, because they believe it conflicts with what they believe fundamentals. After all, you can try yoga, but unless you also believe what the yogis teach, you most likely will not experience the same level of "peace" which they claim, especially if you believe that there are other ways to achieve that rest and relaxation you want. But in the end, it depends on your own, if appropriate exercise and spiritual beliefs are trusted and accepted by you, or if you choose to find believing in a personal God who loves you as give you true peace and rest rather than depending on your own efforts .
    Source URL: http://whosgotcancer.blogspot.com/2011/05/spiritual-principles-behind-yoga.html
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